What is ecoWAM?
The project aims at preventing the negative effects on the quality of water bodies by establishing a joint system of improvement of water management in AP Vojvodina and Csongrád County.
The main objective will be achieved by the specific objectives
To improve the water balance of the Jegrička River (44+015 km-46+673 km/29+588 km-37+892 km) and the Kurca main channel (4+487 km-9+997 km) in the CBC region by dredging the sludge, construction of facilities and removal of overgrown vegetation from the riverbed
To develop a joint monitoring and analysis system to preserve the water quality and biodiversity in the CBC region
To define long-term solutions to prevent the degradation of the quality of water bodies
Main results
Excess water prevention achieved by revitalisation of the Jegrička and Kurca water bodies and their riverbed areas.
Hydro-biological analyses and monitoring of water quality and sludge of the Jegrička and Kurca at selected locations before/after the dredging in compliance with Article 8 of the EU Water Framework Directive conducted.
Experience between Serbian and Hungarian partners exchanged in the field of sustainable water management and nature protection.
Long-term solutions owing to the studies of nature parks against the impact of ground and surface water provided.
Joint database with relevant information concerning the monitoring and evaluation of water quality, which will be a basis for future cooperation in the field of water management and nature protection, created.
Raised awareness and increased know-how of target groups in the CBC area.
The project will contribute to a harmonized development of the region with intensified economic cooperation through a sustainable use of natural and cultural resources by preserving the biodiversity and achieving good water quality that fits the Programme overall aim.
The main activities are: